Recruitment / Application


Students wishing to apply to the LVMH Chair must:

LVMH Chair is only available to ESSEC students in MSc in Management, MSc. in Hospitality Management and the Master in Digital Marketing (MMD). You first have to become an ESSEC STUDENT before applying to the Chair.


The application process consists of three steps:

Step 1: Online Application on the ESSEC website (Opening end of August and closing at the end of September, dates to be confirmed)

Step 2: Individual recorded video interview (same as the application online)

Step 3: Face to face interview for selected candidates (beginning of October, dates tbc)

Individual recorded video interview – Deadline: tbc

This step will allow us to see your profile beyond your CV. Below is the outline of the process of this step.

1. You will see the link to the platform on the confirmation page of your application: In order to log in to the platform, please enter your name, phone number and email                   address.

2. Test your equipment and do some practice videos: Once you have logged in, you will be able to test your equipment and complete a training video (or several), until you             are ready to start with the recorded interview.

3. Be aware of the time limits: There will be 3 questions for you to answer: all questions will have a time limit of 2 minutes.

4. Types of questions: The questions will be on your motivation to join the LVMH Chair, your interest in learning about and possibly working in the luxury industry, and your              knowledge and understanding of luxury. 

Important: Please note that one question will need an answer in French (if possible). Also, you will not be able to re-do the recorded video interview. Once you start with the official questions, you will not be able to restart the recording. This is why we encourage you to find a quiet place, make sure your laptop is connected to an outlet, and that you are ready to complete the interview. We also encourage you to complete at least one training video so that you are comfortable with the platform. 

Face to Face interview - tbc

Pre-selected candidates will be invited to attend a face-to-face interview on Cergy Campus.

Candidates will face a jury of 2 people (1 professor from ESSEC, 1 HR representative from LVMH) for a dynamic interview of about 10 minutes.