

At the beginning of the academic program, The LVMH Chair organizes a session of Team Building with the aim of helping students build stronger ties with one another.

LVMH Group organises the LVMH Induction day at one of LVMH Maisons HQ. With the aim of introducing the group and all of its sectors, a panel of Chair alumni shares their experiences and gives advice to the entering students. This event also provides them an opportunity to get to know and network with the HR managers of different Maisons of the LVMH Group. 

2.  LVMH CHAIR SEMINARS (mandatory)

MKGS31471   Fundamentals of Luxury (T2)

This is the first chapter of the LVMH Chair program. It consists of a series of conferences by LVMH Managers that are essential to luxury brand management. It ofers an immersion in LVMH Groups's fields of expertise.

The topics include:

Some of the guest speakers in the previous years included:

MKGS31200   Contemporary Issues Luxury                                              Marketing (T3)

This seminar is the second chapter of the LVMH Chair program. Students get the opportunity to work on a business case conducted in teams of 5. It is designed in connection with one or several brands of the LVMH Group. It allows the LVMH Chair students to apply their knowledge to real-life problems within the luxury industry. They have the opportunity to interact with a team of managers from a Maison of the LVMH Group.

2023-2024 business cases: 


In T2, students will engage in the second opus of LVMH Clash of Titans competition, a business case competition that opposes students from the best European business schools. LVMH Chair students have won the first opus of the competition, centered around a challenging marketing case from Moët & Chandon. After weeks of intense preparation, the 20 finalists from ESSEC and Bocconi pitched their work to a distinguished jury from LVMH and Moët & Chandon. The grand finale took place at the historic Moët & Chandon Orangerie in Epernay, under the gracious sponsorship of the Moët & Chandon CEO. The second competition will engage other leading European business schools. 


Students will have opportunities to visit some of the LVMH heritage sites and key events in various sectors of the luxury industry. 

2023-2024 Visits include:

5.  MKGS31209: "Luxury Brand Development" (T2)

Taking a socio-cultural perspective, this course provides students with a deeper knowledge of luxury branding. The course will provide understanding of what a luxury brand is, how they are used by consumers and from where their meaning is derived. With this grounding in place, we explore different approaches to the management of brands.


Get an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of luxury and LVMH and complete the INSIDE LVMH Certificate (INSIDE LVMH Digital Platform).


The Chair provides exclusive access to the program Women@Dior, a unique international mentoring & educational program that has coached and helped blossom thousands of young women all over the world, focused on the following values: Sustainability, Inclusion, Creativity, Autonomy and Self-Awareness.

Selected students have the opportunity to attend the annual global conference at UNESCO featuring key notes speakers and participate in the highly acclaimed Dream for Change Project. They are also paired with a dedicated mentor within the Dior professional community.


After two terms of practical and academic learning, numerous networking opportunities with LVMH HRs and managers, students are encouraged to embark on a 6-month internship or an apprenticeship in a LVMH Maison. This experience would complement the knowledge acquired in the Chair and should provide students with opportunities to develop their own professional skills within the luxury industry. In addition, exclusive offers and targeted HR training are provided to help the students in their professional journey.


In addition to the mandatory courses "Fundamentals in Luxury", "Luxury Brand Development" and "Contemporary Issues Luxury Marketing", the student has to validate any of the three courses listed below*. These courses can be taken before, during, or after the Chair Program.


MKGS31413 Anthropology of Luxury Brands T1 or T2


MKGS31412 Anthropologie des marques de luxe T1 or T3

MKGS31316 Savoir-Faire et Métiers d'Art T1

MKGS31469 Luxury Retail Management T1 or T2 or T3


MKGS31217 Building a Beauty Brand T2

MKGF31241 Brand Management T3

Digital Marketing:

MKGM31203 Digital Marketing Strategy (in Cergy or in Singapore) T2 or T3 in Cergy

T1 in Singapore


MKGC31131 Data-Driven Marketing T1 or T2

Information Systems:

IDSI31375 Managing AI T3

IDSI31205 Blockchain for Business T3


DEVC31211 Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development T1

MKGC31325 Consumption, Marketing & Society T3

CPRO31437 Degrowth: A Path to a Sustainable Future T1


MKGF31201 Integrated Marketing Communication T2 or T3


MKGS31221 Activating a Beauty Brand T3

MKGF31202 Communication Marketing T1


MKGC31126 Consumer Insights T2 or T3

MKGM31217 Chef de Produit T1 or T2 or T3

MKGC31315 Judgment & Decision Making T1


  *    Subject to course availability